I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but why not use that environment in pycharm then?
the package is keras-contrib, it can't be installed regularly with pip install, you need to use pip install git+
Hi ConvolutedChicken69
assuming you are runnign the agent in venv mode you can do something like:$ CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL=1 clearml-agent daemon --queue default
This will basically only clone the code and use the default python the clearml-agent itself is using.
Does that help?
it gets an error as it can't find it with pip.
What's the error? how come the package cannot be installed ?
It should be autodetected, and listed in the installed packages with something like:keras-contrib @git+https://www.github.com/keras-team/keras-contrib.git
Is this what you are seeing?
If not you can add it manually with:Task.add_requirements('git+
') Task.init(...)
Notice to call before Task.init
for example i have a package that can't be installed with pip regularly, but with pip from a git repo, and when the agent installs the requirements from the pycharm env it gets an error as it can't find it with pip. so i thought of just having the environment locally and use it
running from pycharm, i want it to use the env i have on the agent, like when i do venv/bin/activate.
You're running your experiment from pycharm? Are you using the same environment in pycharm for all your experiments and you want the task to take packages from your 'agent' environment?