the package is keras-contrib, it can't be installed regularly with pip install, you need to use pip install git+
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but why not use that environment in pycharm then?
Hi ConvolutedChicken69
assuming you are runnign the agent in venv mode you can do something like:$ CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL=1 clearml-agent daemon --queue default
This will basically only clone the code and use the default python the clearml-agent itself is using.
Does that help?
it gets an error as it can't find it with pip.
What's the error? how come the package cannot be installed ?
running from pycharm, i want it to use the env i have on the agent, like when i do venv/bin/activate.
You're running your experiment from pycharm? Are you using the same environment in pycharm for all your experiments and you want the task to take packages from your 'agent' environment?
for example i have a package that can't be installed with pip regularly, but with pip from a git repo, and when the agent installs the requirements from the pycharm env it gets an error as it can't find it with pip. so i thought of just having the environment locally and use it
It should be autodetected, and listed in the installed packages with something like:keras-contrib @git+
Is this what you are seeing?
If not you can add it manually with:Task.add_requirements('git+
') Task.init(...)
Notice to call before Task.init