DepressedChimpanzee34 Have you noticed the "Show n experiments selected" button on the bottom bar? This effectively toggles your view between whatever is currently sorted/filtered and the current item selection.
To address the scenario you describe: Switch to "Show selected experiments", remove the redundant items, and switch back to the original view: "Show all experiments"
FrothyDog40 :man-facepalming: yea that seem to do the job, however it still feels like a bug that the out-of-view experiments are not deselected when clicking the top box (select all \deselect all)
less critical though.. thanks!
FrothyDog40 Hi, there is a sort of a UI bug related to the mentioned above..
if you choose a single experiment then use filter or sorting such that it is not displayed anymore you can't deselect it.
you have this - sign in the top selection box (select all \ deselect all) but it doesn't do anything.
the workaround is to select an additional experiment and then when the multiple experiment bar pops up choose show experiments selected and deselect them and go back.
its inconvenient, both in the single selected experiment case and also in the multiple experiments selected case to have to go through the show all experiments instead of the select \ deselect all box doing what you would expect it..
CostlyOstrich36 , any thoughts about this one by the way?
DepressedChimpanzee34 , this has been reported and should be solved in one of the following versions 🙂
DepressedChimpanzee34 Apologies for missing your previous comment.
Totally agree that the global selection indicator should maintain its 'clear selection' behaviour even if some/all of the selection is off-screen.