Huh. Should have guessed 😉
Thanks! Hopefully I'll update to the latest version and get rid of the many lines of work-around code...
What I'm trying to do is to filter is between two datetimes...Is that possible?
could you expand ?
Making it into a nicer interface is on our TODO list 🙂
Hi StickyMonkey98
I'm (again) having trouble with the lack of documentation regarding Task.get_tasks(task_filter={STUFF}).
Yes we really have to add documentation there... Let me add that to the todo list
How do I filter tasks by time started? It seems there's a "started" property, and the web ui uses "started" as a key-word in the url query, but task_filter results in an error when I try that...Is there some other filter keyword for filtering by start-time??
last 10 started Taskstask_filter={'order_by': ['-started'], 'page_size': 10, 'page': 0,}
How do I more generally build filters, without bothering the precious people of this community, considering I can't find proper documentation? I'm kinda hoping for a pointer the docs that I just missed, but other answers might be helpful as well of course...
This is a tough one ... The documentation lacks these internal queries 😞
Basically the intuition is looking at the actual RestAPI capabilities
The task_filter
argument will pass the keys directly into the get_all request (hence the original cryptic reference to the RestAPI object)
Well, for instance, it would be nice to mimic the url-query style of -
At the moment I'm querying by paging through the tasks as you recommended, and then filtering with standard python list-comprehension filters...Which is less than ideal.
At the moment I'm querying by paging through the tasks as you recommended, and then filtering with standard python list-comprehension filters...Which is less than ideal.
At least let's do that better:
Use Task._query_tasks:Task._query_tasks(order_by=['-started'], page_size=10, page=0, only_fields=['id', 'started'])
You will get "lighter" objects returned, then you can filter them with code (but the request will be a lots faster)
SuccessfulKoala55 any suggestion on improving that ?
I think this _allow_extra_fields_
was just recently introduced
What I'm trying to do is to filter is between two datetimes...Is that possible?
If I get something sensible going I'll share for documentation of course.
BTW: StickyMonkey98 if you feel like writing a few examples I think it will be easy to push into the docs, so that at least we improve iteratively...
What version of ClearML SDK are you using?
Looks good, and of course that's the kind of thing I tried very early on. But I'm still getting the same "unsupported keyword arguments" error, despite the allow-extra-fields thing...
Ok. Thanks.
Until I get to that, is there an example somewhere regarding using the "all" option?
My (temporary) work-around is using multiple filter queries, but I don't think I'm getting the filters to work as "and" instead of "or"...
So something like this -
tag_filtered_training_tasks = Task.get_tasks(task_filter={'tags': [tag1, tag2, tag3], 'type': ['training']})
should result in very very few tasks, but that's not what seems to be happening.
(I've tried different guesses regarding the usage of "all", but only managed to run into a variety of errors...)
Try something like:task_filter={'order_by': ['-started'], 'started': ['2021-08-01T00:00:00', '2021-09-01T00:00:00'], '_allow_extra_fields_': True}
Yeah, this support is still not very well documented (and we're working on replacing it with a better interface), but if you want AND/ALL
relation, you should do:tag_filtered_training_tasks = Task.get_tasks(task_filter={'tags': ["__$all", tag1, tag2, tag3], 'type': ['training']})