Hey JoyousKoala59 , it seems the helm chart for the clearml server is due to be released tomorrow. My apologies for the confusion :(
Hi AgitatedDove14 , thanks for the reply. The link I posted is titled: "Upgrading Your Trains Server from v0.15 or Older to ClearML Server"
JoyousKoala59 what is the Trains server you have? the link you posted is to upgrade from v0.15 to v0.16, not from trains to clearml
Equivalently, when installing Trains using the old Trains docs, the command would be: helm repo add allegroai
https://allegroai.github.io/trains-server-helm/ , and that one works fine, because that link exists, as opposed to the ClearML one
The link is written all over the docs, for example here: https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_kubernetes_helm.html
Got it, I will wait until tomorrow then, thank you AgitatedDove14 !!
If the repo is at a different site, can you please tell me where is located? So I can keep with my installation now
If you see that link, at Step 2, it tells you to "Add the clearml-server repository to your Helm", running the following command: helm repo add allegroai
I think this is the issue, it was search and replaced . The thing is I'm not sure the helm chart is updated to clearml. Let me check
Hmm, let me check, the link is definitely there but this is not a valid link
Regrading the helm, how did you get the link, ? http://github.io ? and the subdomain allegroai?
But the real problem here is not the update itself, but the helm repo pointing at a non-existent site: https://allegroai.github.io/clearml-server-helm/
AgitatedDove14 thanks! Let me know please.