I meant writing a new pipeline controller that will incorporate the previous pipelines as steps. What is the error that you're getting? Can you provide a snippet?
what I mean is that I want to create a new pipeline of few existing pipelines:
new_pipeline : input
-> existing_pipeline_1
-> existing_pipeline_2
can I do such a thing?
this errors only appears to occur only when I enter on add_step an id of a pipeline. If I enter an id of single task no error occur.
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> I still didn't managed to solved this issue .. can u please help me with that or send and working example of valid pipeline of pipelines (if possible ofc 🙂 )?
Hi @<1559711623147425792:profile|PlainPelican41> , you can re-run an existing pipeline using different parameters from the UI. Otherwise, you need to create new pipelines with new code 🙂
because I tried using PipelineController to create new pipeline and on add_step I just added as base_task_id the id of the pipeline. but it failed with an error 😕
am I doing something wrong ?