Yes SSH_AUTH_SOCK is defined on the host. Should I manually add SSH mounting then through "extra flags"?
I'm using SSH for authentication, however, known_hosts doesn't seem to be passed to the docker so it prompts for authentification/fingerprint. Any ideas?
Hmm it is supposed to automatically mount your ~/.ssh folder into the docker to solve for that.
First try to set force_git_ssh_protocol: true
If that does not help, put your Task log here, maybe we can find what's wrong together
Wait, is "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" defined on the host? it should auto mount the SSH folder as well?!
Added -v /home/uname/.ssh:/root/.ssh and it resolved the issue. I assume this is some sort of a bug then?
Tried but it didn't help. I suspect the issue is here: "'docker', 'run', '-t', '--gpus', '"device=0"', '-v', '/tmp/ssh-krPvUxRks5/agent.1949:/tmp/ssh-krPvUxRks5/agent.1949', '-e', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-krPvUxRks5/agent.1949'"
It passes SSH socket instead of .ssh directory (not sure why, an agent I have running on my own machine behaves differently)? Do you happen to know how to fix this? Thanks!
Added -v /home/uname/.ssh:/root/.ssh and it resolved the issue. I assume this is some sort of a bug then?
That is supposed to be automatically mounted the SSH_AUTH_SOCK defined means that you have to add the mount to the SSH_AUTH_SOCK socket so that the container can access it.
Try to run when you undefine SSH_AUTH_SOCK and keep the force_git_ssh_protocol
(no need to manually add the .ssh mount it will do that for you)