I have read the thread, the issue is somewhat similar but they haven't given any solution yet other than going through storage in docs page.
Hi CostlyOstrich36 I have tried to reach my minio bucket from notebook and have given creds in clearml.conf. But it keeps on showing the following error
2024-02-14 04:35:25,121 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed uploading: An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
ValueError: Insufficient permissions (delete failed) for
Could you help me with that.
Hi TimelyOtter30 , not sure I follow. It looks like a misconfiguration. I think you need to see the correct settings here: None , also note the direct reference to minio 🙂
Sounds similar to our issue? We have self hosted S3