Also, please note auth.create_user
will only create an auth user - this is part of the server's internal process and is not a complete user
And are you using an email that does not exist in the server?
Sorry, my test environment crashed. I have to fix it first to reproduce the problem. 😓
I check it with the following result:
see picture
apiserver logs:
`[2022-05-17 10:02:50,024] [8] [WARNING] [clearml.service_repo] Returned 400 for auth.create_user in 8ms, msg=Value combination already exists: email=
hi , @<1687645223846416384:profile|GracefulToad94> .
About Upgrade.
This version is deployed in the productive environment, so it is not easy to upgrade it.
About special user.
an ordinary user with the following information:
type AuthCreateUserReq struct {
Avatar string
// brain, this value is also configured for apiserver's env CLEARML__APISERVER__DEFAULT_COMPANY(brain)
Company string
Email string
// kubebrain
FamilyName string
// kubebrain
GivenName string
// kubebrain
Name string
// user
Role string
hi, @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55>
About creation.
like above
About unique.
This user is the first user in this company, so I think it is unique.
How can I ensure that whether this email has existed in the server?
Check mongo?
And there is a user there already with the same email?
Nut from the picture you sent this user exists
I am sure that I delete this user in auth.user
and backend.user
before call auth.create_user
- delete documents in
- > see picture
Sorry, I meant "But from the picture you sent this user exists" 😄
@<1523704089874010112:profile|FloppyDeer99> how exactly are you creating the user? the uniqueness is for the user's email in the company
hey @<1523704089874010112:profile|FloppyDeer99>
did you manage to get rid of your issue ?
No, this is the first user in the brain company.
Sorry, I can not understand what does nut from
but it's still there... can you try to delete again? Also, is this a new company?
@<1523704089874010112:profile|FloppyDeer99> , can you try upgrading your server? It appears to be pretty old version.
When looking at the user in MongoDB, is it some special user or just something regular?