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I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

I am using ClearML Pro and pretty regularly I will restart an experiment and nothing will get logged to ClearML. It shows the experiment running (for days) and it's running fine on the PC but no scalers or debug samples are shown.
How do we troubleshoot this?

Posted one month ago
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Answers 69

Console logs

Posted one month ago

The same training works sometimes. But I'm not sure how to troubleshoot when it stops logging the metrics

Posted one month ago

I'm not sure how to even troubleshoot this.

Posted one month ago

Is there someway to kill all connections of a machine to the ClearML server this does seem to be related to restarting a task / running a new task quickly after a task fails or is aborted

Posted one month ago

That makes sense... If you turn auto_connect_streams to false this mean that auto reporting will be disabled as per the documentation.. If you turn it to True then logging should resume.

Posted one month ago

It is still getting stuck. I think the issue might have something to do with the iterations versus epochs. I notice that one of the scalars that gets logged early is logging the epoch while the remaining scalars seem to be iterations because the iteration value is 1355 instead of 26

Posted one month ago

Not sure why that is related to saving images

Posted one month ago

Hi @<1719524641879363584:profile|ThankfulClams64>

I am using ClearML Pro and pretty regularly I will restart an experiment and nothing will get logged to ClearML.
I use ClearML with pytorch 1.7.1, pytorch-lightning 1.2.2 and Tensorboard auto
All ClearML has the latest stable updates. (clearml 1.7.4, clearml-agent 1.7.2)

Is this still happening with the latest clearml ( clearml==1.16.3rc2 ) ?
What is the TB version?
I remember a fix regrading lightining support
Also just making sure, are you using the default lightning TB logger ?
How are you initializing the Task.init (i.e. could you copy here the code?)

Posted one month ago

Okay I will do another run to capture the console output. We currently set auto_connect_streams to False to reduce the number of API calls. So there isn't really anything in the ClearML task page console section

Posted one month ago

This was on the same machine I am having issues with it logs scalars correctly using the example code, but when I add in that callback which just logs a random image to tensorboard I don't get any scalars logged

Posted one month ago

Can you share any of the logs?

Posted one month ago

It was working for me. Anyway I modified the callback. Attached is the script that has the issue for me whenever I add random_image_logger to the callbacks It only logs some of the scalars for 1 epoch. It then is stuck and never recovers. When I remove random_image_logger the scalars are correctly logged. Again this only on 1 computer, other computers we have logging work perfectly fine

Posted one month ago

I'll update my clearml version. Unfortunately I do not have a small code snippet and it is not always repeatable. Is there some additional logging that can be turned on?

Posted one month ago

If you remove any reference of ClearML from the code on that machine, does it still hang?

Posted one month ago

I am on 1.16.2

    task = Task.init(project_name=model_config['ClearML']['project_name'],
Posted one month ago

My bad, if you set auto_connect_streams to false, you basically disable the console logging... Please see the documentation:

auto_connect_streams (Union[bool, Mapping[str, bool]]) – Control the automatic logging of stdout and stderr.
Posted one month ago

Yes it shows on the UI and has the first epoch for some of the metrics but that's it. It has run like 50 epochs, it says it is still running but there are no updates to the scalars or debug samples

Posted one month ago

So even if you abort it on the start of the experiment it will keep running and reporting logs?

Posted one month ago

It seems similar to this None is it possible saving too many model weights causes metric logging thread to die?

Posted one month ago

Then we also connect two dictionaries for configs

Posted one month ago

It is not always reproducible it seems like something that we do not understand happens then the machine consistently has this issue. We believe it has something to do with stopping and starting experiments

Posted one month ago

Yea I am fine not having the console logging. My issues is the scalers and debug images occasionally don't record to ClearML

Posted one month ago

@<1719524641879363584:profile|ThankfulClams64> , can you provide a small code snippet that reproduces this behaviour? Can you also test with the latest version of clearml ?

Posted one month ago

I am using 1.15.0. Yes I can try with auto_connect_streams set to True I believe I will still have the issue

Posted one month ago

@<1719524641879363584:profile|ThankfulClams64> , if you set auto_connect_streams to false nothing will be reported from your frameworks. With what frameworks are you working, tensorboard?

Posted one month ago

Hi we are currently having the issue. There is nothing in the console regarding ClearML besides

ClearML Task: created new task id=0174d5b9d7164f47bd10484fd268e3ff
======> WARNING! Git diff too large to store (3611kb), skipping uncommitted changes <======
ClearML results page: 

The console logs continue to come in put no scalers or debug images show up.

Posted one month ago

I am still having this issue. An update is that the "abort" does not work. Even though the state is correctly tracked in ClearML when I try to abort the experiment through the UI it says it does it but the experiment remains running on the computer.

Posted one month ago

Thanks @<1719524641879363584:profile|ThankfulClams64> having a code that can reproduce it is exactly what we need.
One thing I might have missed and is very important , what is your tensorboard package version?

Posted one month ago

Can someone help with this?

Posted one month ago

There is clearly some connection to the ClearML server as it remains "running" the entire training session but there are no metrics or debug samples. And I see nothing in the logs to indicate there is an issue

Posted one month ago
69 Answers
one month ago
one month ago