For digitalocean:
host: "(region). "
bucket: “(bucket name)”
key: “(key)”
secret: “(secret)”
multipart: false
secure: true
(verify commented out entirely)
So for you - make sure to add your creds that have the right scope (r/w), and try specifying the bucket .
Then in clearml tasks themselves you tell the task using output_uri=“s3://(region)”
(I import this as a constant from a file across tasks)
This exact specific combination is what ive been using without an issue, but it took hours of guessing to get to it
i ran into this recently.
its a small thing but double check the port. should be 443, not 433 as in the docs (typo?) - seems you got this in the screenshot .
no region should be set .
i dont use backblaze but if it helps i can show my digitalocean spaces config . should be comparable .
Hi SmallTurkey79 could you please share how you did that? Here is how I tried, with 443 and no region, but still not working. The endpoint variable in clearml/storage/ always returns None.
Try removing the region, it might be confusing it
Yes, i can get access with the boto3 client
Just to make sure, does Backblaze support the boto3 SDK?
Great, SmallTurkey79 I will check that and let you know! Appreciate that!
Hi CostlyOstrich36 I tried, but got
2025-01-15 16:35:13,846 - - ERROR - Failed uploading: An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
and I saw that endpoint_url is None. Indeed is returning None.
I tried to hardcode the endpoint_url and got
2025-01-15 16:37:01,713 - - ERROR - Failed uploading: An error occurred (405) when calling the PutObject operation: Method Not Allowed
ValueError: Insufficient permissions (delete failed) for None
But I am still not sure if it is the about permissions because it was appearing the same ValueError before.
S3BucketConfig(bucket='mkrs-data', subdir='', host='',...)
in all cases i get that host=''.
Hi CostlyOstrich36 thanks! Yes, i did that like attached. I tried host: , , with port :9000, :433.
and the log error is:
2025-01-15 13:01:58,264 - - ERROR - Failed uploading: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: " None "
it is trying to sue amazonaws still. Any hints on that?
Thanks SmallTurkey79 ! That actually solved my issue indeed!! Thanks!
Hi UpsetPanda50 , none AWS s3 solutions are also supported. Please see docs - None