Hi ScrawnyCrocodile51 , not sure I understand. You have some model ID and you want to find it's project? Via code or UI?
Hi John, exactly. If I have the model_id, I want to find its project. Do you have tip to do it in both way?
I think it should have an id attribute so either model.id or maybe model.data.id if you fetch the model object
m = Model(model_id)
print("Model.id:", m.id) # <- this is returning model_id, but I need project_id or project_name
print("Model.data:", m.data) # <- AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'data'
My bad, you're looking for the project attribute
Aha I see. that works to retrieve the project id.
A side question, I notice in the clearml design, Task, Model, Dataset those object all have its base model, but not project concept. In terms of project, is there a quick way to retrieve project name based on its id?
I think the best way would be to use the APIClient to get the project name