This is usually due to enterprise level issued https certificates not part of the local installation (basically any python generated SSL request will fail)
5 years ago
hey guys, thanks for creating Slack workspace, that's really cool. question - are we missing smth or is currently not possible to pass S3 credentials via env...
5 years ago
Hi all - I have a question to ask (and not sure if there is a channel for FAQs so sorry for putting it here) ... I am using trains in combination with PyChar...
5 years ago
Hi everyone. For some reason, I could not display my matplotlib plots (with subplots) in Trains, while they can be displayed locally. Here is an example plot...
5 years ago
Thanks for releasing this awesome experiment manager! I was logging a single training session on multiple GPUs (using Detectron2), and is called for...
4 years ago
Hi everyone, just setup trains.. was very easy to setup. Was able to run an experiment with it. Question: Is it possible to turn off the code tracking (anyth...
4 years ago
Is there a way to automatically plot a metric vs epoch ( example train_accuracy, val_accuracy, learning rate) , or do I need to store the metric for each epo...
4 years ago
hey guys, do you have any plans to add functionality to export training config with all hyperparameters to the different formats, such as training command li...
4 years ago
I'm trying to run a reinforcement learning task with trains-agent, and the environment I'm running needs an X server to get the environment state. I can get ...
4 years ago
I want to clone an experiment and then try with a different hyperparameter value . I was wondering if there is a way to explicitly specify a hyperparameter. ...
4 years ago
When I try to enqueue an experiment to a queue, it looks like trains-agent is recreating a new virtual env everytime. So, this causes a problem in case train...
4 years ago
Hi guys, We consider using Trains Experiment Manager and I wonder Is there a way to backup all experiment data? in case the backend machine will die and the ...
4 years ago
Hi, Is it possible to resume an experiment that stopped unexpectedly, by using a checkpoint of the model?
4 years ago
Hi people, I'm new to trains, is it possible to enjoy the web app UI without the trains-server setup? if not, as a windows 10 (Home) edition is there a conve...
4 years ago
I have a question about "logging artifacts", lets say I run an experiments on a remote machine, and then I want to look at the "logs" for completed runs in m...
4 years ago
Hi, thank you very much for developing the useful tool! I have a question about the python client, can the client search existing tasks which match particula...
4 years ago
Hi, I am trying to start a POC with server and agent and a git repository that has a submodule. I don't need the agent to try to fetch the submodule, is ther...
4 years ago
Hi, I have a question on the trains-server. Assuming I am using the docker-compose, I would like to backup all data as introduced in the upgrading tutorial. ...
4 years ago
Hi there, I've been trying to work with trains and I wanted to save a folder as the model like when using the "transformers" library. They have this "save_pr...
4 years ago
Hi trains community, I see that for the trains-agent you have a docker option, did you plan to have any other container system like i...
4 years ago
Hi, thanks for developing the amazing tool! I have a question: I deployed trains-server on machine A and started an experiment on machine B. Sometimes machin...
4 years ago
Hey! Trains looks super promising for our project, but I struggle to understand the saving and model aspect of trains. I have a pytorch model that I save wit...
4 years ago
I have a second question as well, is it possible to disable any parts of the automagical logging? In my project I use both config and argparse. It works by g...
4 years ago
Hi Everyone, I am trying to make the Hyperparameter tuning part work. When I change the hyper parameters from the allegro web app, I enqueue it and run the t...
4 years ago
It would be great if you could help GrittyStarfish67
4 years ago
Hi, I recently started evaluating trains. Given that TensorBoard is much more mature, and our team is used to it, I think it is likely we won’t want to stop ...
4 years ago
Also, for selecting a subset of experiments to compare, it looks like Neptune currently has a more advanced solution (
4 years ago
Also, I am confused about whether Trains is fully open source because I didn’t see where the source for the web client is.
4 years ago
Hi all. I am using the recently added TrainsLogger in Pytorch-Lightning and experiencing incoherent behavior with model checkpoint upload. I made an issue on...
4 years ago
when using trains-server is there any limitation for the debug images in Metrics & Logs ? This small script show the behavior, the iteration kept is only the...
4 years ago