Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
10 months ago
Badges 1
979 × Eureka!Hi, is it possible to disable some of the system metrics monitored? and also downsample the rate of logging?
3 years ago
Hi, I think I found a small bug: Clone an experiment Enqueue it on a queue with no workers Delete the queue Try to Dequeue the experimentThe last operation w...
3 years ago
Hi again, my clearml api-server is having a memory leak. Each time I restart it, its ram consumption grows until getting OOM, is not killed and make the ec2 ...
3 years ago
Hi, I am getting the following errors in the experiments I am currently running: 2021-06-25 17:11:47,911 - clearml.Metrics - ERROR - Action failed <504/0: ev...
3 years ago
Hi, I deleted all archived experiments in a project and I just realized all experiments of all projects were deleted (clearml server v1.0.0) 🤔
3 years ago
The “Manage queue” option in the right tab on a queued experiment is broken in v1.0 (it does nothing)
3 years ago
Is it possible to shutdown the clearml server, upgrade to v1, restart it while experiments are running? Or is it dancing with the devil? 😄
3 years ago
Hi there, I am running a clearml-agent in services mode (with docker) on a machine with two disks: one with the OS (8Go, 91% space used) and one for the data...
3 years ago
Hi, I am considering making automated backups of my clearml-server using Amazon EBS snapshots. Should I be concerned with the same problem described here > h...
3 years ago
Hi, I just updated clearml server 1.0 using docker-compose down & docker-compose pull & docker-compose up -d , it worked ant it looks amazing! I found two pr...
3 years ago
Hey there, I moved the clearml s3 bucket where I stored all my clearml data from one s3 bucket to another and now I realized that all the models/experiments ...
3 years ago
Hi, is there a way to get some stats about the use of workers? I would like to know, over the past 3 months: Number of training hours per user Number of trai...
3 years ago
Hi, Together with ElegantKangaroo44 we found two unexpected behaviors in task.models['output'] : The input model of the task is included in the list The best...
4 years ago
Hi all, how can I have a global variable used in a pipeline step? I have to define them in each pipeline step, otherwise they are not included in the pipelin...
11 months ago
Hi, is it possible to pass environment variables to agents created by the AWS AutoScaler service?
4 years ago
Hi there, I am trying to start an agent in services mode with trains-server being on localhost (but not started together with the docker-compose!). My trains...
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to use pytorch3d==0.5.0 with torch==1.9.1 on cuda version 110, locally it works, but the clearml agent fails setting up the environment with...
3 years ago
Hi guys, Last night one of our agents (0.16.1) was disconnected from our trains-server while executing an experiment. I saw that because the experiment it wa...
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to follow-up in this https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1646123127790389 happening on clearml server 1.2.0 (self hosted on a sing...
Hi, I just updated clearml-server to 1.1.0 and got the following error when starting it with docker-compose: clearml-apiserver | [2021-08-02 13:37:09,852] [8...
3 years ago
hi guys, is it possible to spin up two agents on one GPU? Something like trains-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue default & trains-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue ...
4 years ago
Hi, another idea for ClearML web UI: in the projects view, if I have several experiments being enqueued and I sort by “Started” ascending (newest on top), I ...
3 years ago
Hi, in the Metric Snapshot graph, is it possible to scale the Y axis to [y_min *0.9, y_max * 1,1] ? currently all my values are flat at the same ~y and it is...
3 years ago
Hey there! I would like to use the function task.set_project in the following way: my_task.set_project("Top level project/second level project") `` Top level...
2 years ago
Hi, in the clearml-server web-ui, under DEBUG SAMPLE, would it be possible to improve the logic for fetching the images? If I have say 200 iteration, it will...
2 years ago
Hi, I have a question about https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/logger#report_scatter3d : Would it be possible to pass a matplotlib figure in 3d...
3 years ago
Hi, there is a small bug with auto-refreshing in the DEBUG SAMPLES Tab of the Web UI: If it is ON, then it will always force the first series to be displayed...
3 years ago
Hi there, any plan/benefit to support virtualenv= 20 ?
4 years ago
Hi, is it possible to pass temporary IAM role to the web app could access?
3 years ago
Hi again, is there a way to pass secrets as parameters of a task? I have an experiment that requires connecting to a database, and I need to be able to pass ...
4 years ago
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