Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
one year ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

In that case I suggest you turn on the venv cache, it will accelerate the conda environment building because it will cache the entire conda env.

3 years ago
0 Encountered An Odd Bug. Upon Attempting To Write Images To Clearml (3D Projected, Matplotlib),

t seems there is some async behavior going on. After ending a run, this prompt just hangs for a long time:

2021-04-18 22:55:06,467 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads

And there's no sign of updates on the dashboard

Hmm that could point to an issue uploading the last images (which are larger than regular scalars) could you try flushing and waiting ?
task.flush() sleep(45)

3 years ago
0 Hi, Just To Check. Does The K8S Glue Install Torch By Default? I'M Getting

Nice SubstantialElk6 !
BTW: you can configure your cleaml client to store the changes from the latest Pushed commit (and not the default which is latest local commit)
see store_code_diff_from_remote: in clearml.conf:

3 years ago
0 Hi,

Hi FloppyDeer99

What is the meaning of no real scheduling

I think the meaning is that from the moment a k8s job is created, the k8s is in charge of actually spinning the container. Since k8s has no real priority/order the scheduling order is not guaranteed form this point.

The idea of the cleaml-k8s -glue is that the glue will launch a job on the k8s cluster only if it is sure there are enough resources to actually spin the job now (as opposed to, sometime in the future), this mea...

3 years ago
0 I Would Like To Understand The Limitations Of

current task fetches the good Task

Assuming you fork the process than the gloabl instance" is passed to the subprocess. Assuming the sub-process was spawned (e.g. POpen) then an environement variable with the Task's unique ID is passed. then when you call the "Task.current_task" it "knows" the Task was already created and it will fetch the state from the clearml-server and create a new Task object for you to work with.
BTW: please use the latest RC (we fixed an issue with exactly this...

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys! Is There A Way To Tell An Agent To Run A Task In An Existing Venv (Without Creating A New One)?

ExcitedFish86 this is a general "dummy agent" that tasks and executes them (no env created, no code cloned, as you suggested)

hows does this work with HPO?

The HPO clones Tasks, changes arguments, push them into a queue, and monitors the metrics in real time. The missing part (from my understanding) was the the execution of the Tasks themselves required setup, and that you wanted multiple machine support, in order to overcome it, I post a dummy agent that just runs the Tasks.

2 years ago
0 Hey! I'M Trying To Play With The

Hi CleanPigeon16
You need to be able access the machine running the agent, usually the default port will be 10022.
If you need further debug message, add --debug at the beginning of the clearml-session.
clearml-session --debug ...To get all the debug print, please upgrade to clearml-session==0.3.3

3 years ago
0 A Suggestion. Sometimes Newcomers That Join An Existing Project That Uses Clearml Forget To Configure Their Clearml For The Organization'S Server Resulting In Them Launching Experiments To The Public Cloud Possibly With Sensitive Data - I Think That If Y

WackyRabbit7 basically starting v1.1 if you are running code without any configuration file, you will get an error (in contrast to previous versions where it defaulted to the demo-server)

2 years ago
0 Hi

HugeArcticwolf77 actually it is more than that, you can embed the graphs now in the markdown, when you hove over any plot/graph/image you now have a new button that copies the embed test, so that you can directly copy it into your markdown editor (internal or external)
More documentation and screenshots are coming after the holiday, mean time you can check:

one year ago
0 Colors Of Cm Reporting Are Strange... Is It Possible To Adjust The Default Ones

Okay yes, that's exactly the reason!! Cross origin blocks the file link

4 years ago
0 Can I Somehow Change A Project Settings Via The Python Sdk?

UnevenDolphin73 i would use apiclient:
APIClient().projects.edit(project=project_id, system _tags=[])

*I might have a few typos above but that should be the gist

one year ago
0 Any Info On The Lifecycle Of Datasets Downloaded To $Home/.Clearml/Cache/Storage_Manager/Datasets Via Get_Local_Copy I Have A Task Running And I Was Watching The Above Path And Datasets Were Being Downloaded And Then They Are All Removed And For A Partic

And I think the default is 100 entries, so it should not get cleaned.

and then they are all removed and for a particular task it even happens before my task is done

Is this reproducible ? Who is cleaning it and when?

3 years ago
0 Hi. I Have A Few Questions About The Snippet Attached

re-running this code produces the same printoutsJust to be clear, you are saying the "random" results are consistent over runs ?

If I don't specify the type for N in the component I get an error because N is interpreted as a string.

Yes the default value is used for proper casting, In the next version we will use the type hints for that as well 🙂
If I un-comment the last two lines and rerun this script, the second pipeline call results in an error:I think that If you need multiple p...

2 years ago
0 Another Question: Is It Possible To Read The Dependencies Manually From A Conda Environment.Yml? It Seems Like Clearml Is Not Able To Fetch The Dependencies Correctly When

The package is just subdir by the way. So it should not be in installed packages anyways, right?

Correct, also when the agent is spinning the code it will automatically add the root of the git repository to the pythonpath so you should be able to load the package.

3 years ago
0 In Pipelines I'Ve Found That Empty Lists Don'T Work As I Would Expect Them To Work. For Example, This Will Work Fine:

Hi SmugSnake6
I think it was just fixed, let me check if the latest RC includes the fix

one year ago
0 Hi I Have A Most Probably A Beginer Question Abour Loading The Data In Pycharm And Later On In Google Colab From An Dataset From Clearml. I Used From Page:


import os


dataset_path = Dataset.get(
dataset_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, "data.yaml")

9 months ago
0 Is There Some Built-In Way In Clearml To Trigger Further Action On Task Fail (Or Pipeline Fail)?

There may be cases where failure occurs before my code starts to run (and, perhaps, after it completes)

Yes that makes sense, especially from IT failure perspective

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Am Having Some Trouble Running Some Training Scripts With The Agent Functionality:

When we enqueue the task using the web-ui we have the above error

ShallowGoldfish8 I think I understand the issue,
basically I think the issue is:
task.connect(model_params, 'model_params')Since this is a nested dict:
model_params = { "loss_function": "Logloss", "eval_metric": "AUC", "class_weights": {0: 1, 1: 60}, "learning_rate": 0.1 }The class_weights is stored as a String key, but catboost expects "int" key, hence it fails.
One op...

2 years ago
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