Hi TartSeal39
So the thing is, the agent does not support yaml env for conda. Currently if the requirements section is empty, the agent will use the requirements.txt of the repo. We first need to add support for conda yaml, and then allow you to disable the auto requirements or push the specific yaml. Would that work? Also is there a reason the auto package is not working?
TartSeal39 please let me know if it works, conda is a strange beast and we do our best to tame it.
Specifically when you execute manually on a conda env we collect (separately) the conda packages & the python packages (so later we can replicate on both conda & pip, or at least do our best)
Are you running both development env and agent with conda ?
yeah, so I want to do Task.create(reqirements_file=‘/path/to/file/requirements.yml’), but I think I’ll just parse it manually then
TartSeal39 , Hi 🙂
Do I understand correctly that you want to push parameters for Task.create() from a .yml file?
oh, right, I get that, thanks 🙂 So my repo is usually just built with the yaml, so for now, I don’t have a requirements.txt in the repo, since it’s not needed. But for the time being, I’ll just parse the requirements from the yaml file and add them with add_requirement()
, thanks for the insight 🙂