Here’s how I do it using clearml.conf
config for my agent:
sdk {
aws {
s3 {
development {
default_output_uri: "
Hi ObedientTurkey46 , yeah, that's correct. Please note that setting that on the server side will not cause this to apply for all the user's it will just allow the server to delete task related artifacts when you delete a task.
Thank you for replying 🙂
I need to configure this in every clearml.conf for each data-scientist. Correct?
Can you explain why a user needs to configure the minio connection locally? My understanding was, that the data is up/downloaded to/from clearml-server, and where clearml-server is storing the data is to be configured on the server itself.
The way I understand it:
- if you’re executing tasks locally (e.g. on your laptop) then you need this setting because the
package needs to know where to upload artifacts (artifacts aren’t proxied through theclearml-server
they are rather uploaded directly to the storage of your choice) - if you’re executing code using ClearML agent, then you can configure agent the way I wrote earlier, and it will use your MinIO instance for uploading artifacts for all of the tasks it executes
Do you know what is going on? 🙂 Thank you!
I don’t use datasets so I don’t know, sorry, maybe SuccessfulKoala55 can help
Thank you! That makes sense, and adding default_output_uri solved the issue.
Unfortunately, I now have the next issue. When deleting a Dataset I created for test purposes in the UI, it is not automatically deleted by clearml in minio. Do you know if I have missconfigured clearml in some way?