Thanks! I'm checking now, but might take a little (meeting in between)
` from clearml.automation import PipelineDecorator
from clearml import TaskTypes
@PipelineDecorator.component(task_type=TaskTypes.data_processing, cache=True)
def run_demo():
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, DataCollatorForTokenClassification, AutoModelForTokenClassification, TrainingArguments, Trainer
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("conllpp")
model_checkpoint = 'bert-base-cased'
lr = 2e-5
num_train_epochs = 5
weight_decay = 0.01
seed = 1234
ner_feature = dataset["train"].features["ner_tags"]
label_names = ner_feature.feature.names
id2label = {str(i): label for i, label in enumerate(label_names)}
label2id = {v: k for k, v in id2label.items()}
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
data_collator = DataCollatorForTokenClassification(tokenizer=tokenizer)
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(
trainer_args = TrainingArguments(
trainer = Trainer(
@PipelineDecorator.pipeline(name="StuffToDelete", project=".Dev", version="0.0.2", pipeline_execution_queue="aws_cpu")
def pipeline():
if name == 'main':
pipeline() `
This isn’t a real working example, but it shows that on clearml 1.7.2 it passed initialization part (and has an error on training stuff which is ok)
And on 1.9.0 it errors before onTypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Hi @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> just letting you know I still have this on my TODO, I'll update you as soon as I have something!
Could you please run the misbehaving example, try to add a breakpoint in clearml/backend_interface/task/
in Task.update_output_model
on the line with url = output_model.update_weights(
, and tell me what the value of model_path
is? In case you're using virtual environments, clearml library should be installed somewhere in <virtual env directory>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/clearml/
@<1523701118159294464:profile|ExasperatedCrab78> Sorry only saw this now,
Thanks for checking it!
Glad to see you found the issue, hope you find a way to fix the second one. for now we will continue using the previous version.
Would be glad if you can post when everything is fixed so we can advance our version.
confirming that only downgrading to transformers==4.21.3
without the patch worked....
This is a time bomb that eventually we won't be able to ignore... we will need to use new transformers code
Yes, and the old version only works without the patch.
I see the model on the artifacts tab, but it's not actually uploaded.
Just for reference, the main issue is that ClearML does not allow non-string types as dict keys for its configuration. Usually the labeling mapping does have ints as keys. Which is why we need to cast them to strings first, then pass them to ClearML then cast them back.
I am currently on vacation, I'll ask my team mates. But if not I'll get to it next week
It's been accepted in master, but was not released yet indeed!
As for the other issue, it seems like we won't be adding support for non-string dict keys anytime soon. I'm thinking of adding a specific example/tutorial on how to work with Huggingface + ClearML so people can do it themselves.
For now (using the patch) the only thing you need to be careful about is to not connect a dict or object with ints as keys. If you do need to (e.g. ususally huggingface models need the id2label dict somewhere) just make sure to cast it to string before connecting it to ClearML and casting it back to int directly after. So that when ClearML changes the value, it's properly taken care of 🙂 My previous sample code is still valid!
that makes more sense 🙂
would this work now as a workaround until the version is released?
Hey @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> , about the S3 loading issue. The path to the model in the artifact tab, is it an S3 bucket or a local path?
I'm getting really weird behavior now, the task seems to report correctly with the patch... but the step doesn't say "uploading" when finished... there is a "return" artifact but it doesn't exist on S3 (our file server configuration)
BTW the code above is from clearml github so it’s the latest
I'm working with the patch, and installing transformers from github
sounds good 🙂 I’ll soon check if this fixes our issue and update you
When creating it, I found that this hack should be on our side, not on Huggingface's. So I'm only going to fix issue 1 with the PR, issue 2 is ours 🙂
This is the next step not being able to find the output of the last step
ValueError: Could not retrieve a local copy of artifact return_object, failed downloading
Hey again 🙂
I believe that the transformers patch wasn’t released yet right? we are getting into a problem where we need new features from transformers but can’t use because of this
Nothing that i think is relevant, I'm using latest from master. It might be a new bug on their side, wasn't sure.
However, I actually do think I can already open the Huggingface PR in the meantime. It has actually relatively little to do with the second bug.
Hey 🙂
Any update?
We are having more issues with transformers and clearml in their new version.
The step that has transformers 4.25.1
isn’t able to upload artifacts.
If we downgrade transformers==4.21.3
it works
Looks like the first issue has been solved 🙂
i think the second one still consists, still checking
` #504:
for k, v in dictionary.items():
# if key is not present in the task's parameters, assume we didn't get this far when running
# in non-remote mode, and just add it to the task's parameters
if k not in parameters:
self._task.set_parameter((prefix or '') + k, v)
continue #1266:
def set_parameter(self, name, value, description=None, value_type=None):
# type: (str, str, Optional[str], Optional[Any]) -> ()
Set a single Task parameter. This overrides any previous value for this parameter.
:param name: The parameter name.
:param value: The parameter value.
:param description: The parameter description.
:param value_type: The type of the parameters (cast to string and store)
if not Session.check_min_api_version('2.9'):
# not supported yet
description = None
value_type = None
{name: value}, __update=True,
__parameters_descriptions={name: description},
__parameters_types={name: value_type}
) #1227:
def create_description():
if org_param and org_param.description:
return org_param.description
created_description = ""
if org_k in descriptions:
created_description = descriptions[org_k]
if isinstance(v, Enum):
# append enum values to description
if created_description:
created_description += "\n"
created_description += "Values:\n" + ",\n".join(
[enum_key for enum_key in type(v).dict.keys() if not enum_key.startswith("_")]
return created_description `We can see from this code that the description will always be None (because copy_to_dict never passes a description, it defaults to None and is always put in the descriptions dict as None), and if the arg is an Enum it will always throw the exception