Hi, I've recently upgraded to 0.15.1 from 0.14.2, and for some reason a code that previously worked in which I'm getting the tags of a model using InputModel...
4 years ago
Hello! I found today allegro-ai and while running for the first time the example script, I faced this error: Failed auto-detecting task repository: [WinError...
4 years ago
trains[azure] install - Azure dependencies not latest. trains depends on older version of azure python sdk. My project already has dependency on the latest v...
4 years ago
Hi my friend mailto:mishael@xfind.ai has gotten his Slack account accidentally deactivated for this workspace. Anyone here can reactivate his account?
4 years ago
Hi everyone! I've had a problem. But when I was describing it here it was solved. Maybe it will help someone. I use pytorch and training accidentally freezes...
4 years ago
Hi everyone, thx so much for this awesome tool! I was wondering, is there a way to define for trains, which variable in the project is the kpi, and then clus...
4 years ago
Hi, I am quite sure, that someone has already asked this before, but I suppose, that the answer will be simple: I am trying to run trains-agent in docker mod...
4 years ago
Hello! I haven't used trains before, I am looking for opinion from anyone with more experience on whether trains is the correct tool for my non-ML use case. ...
4 years ago
Hi, I have a small issue about GPU monitoring. I run my training inside a Singularity container and I set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable. However, I get t...
4 years ago
Can we somehow add a column "Duration" to the list of Experiments ?
4 years ago
Hi again. As I am running my experiment from server using agent, I am failing on the point, where the arguments of argparse are processed. When is the agent ...
4 years ago
Hi allegroal team, I recently saw your project and tried it. This is a great tool! I have a question to ask: How to upload tasks from local machine to server...
4 years ago
Question, Lets say I'm Kaggling, as you might know some "Code Competitions" are restricted from internet access. In the general case, you might have some inf...
4 years ago
Hi, I am new here. I established a successful trains server and everything runs ok. After I changed the ip address of the server I couldn't make it to work a...
4 years ago
Hi, Does anyone know that when using tensorboard to record loss (such as writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', loss.data, epoch*len(trainLoader)+step) ), where wil...
4 years ago
Hey! What is the difference between Reporter and Logger ?
4 years ago
Hi, does anyone use mlflow / Weight & Biases / http://neptune.ai before, and how does that compare to allegroai-trains? I am trying to understand the tooling...
4 years ago
Hi, does anyone know where trains stores tensorboard data? Because I am used to using tensorboard to record experimental data and store data, I hope I can ac...
4 years ago
when running in cpu-only mode, is it possible to restrict the amount of cpu given to an agent or it takes all the available cpus on the machine... similarly ...
4 years ago
Upon calling Task.init(), I get below error: Failed getting token (error 401 from http://localhost:8008 ): Unauthorized (invalid credentials) (failed to loca...
4 years ago
Hi, Is there any way to get experiment debug images programmatically?
4 years ago
i have a script in which i added Task.init() hook, so when i run the script, it creates the experiment and i can its logs there etc.. but init() function doe...
4 years ago
so if there a way to make it run in the trains-agent and not in the terminal directly when executed manually through script
4 years ago
another question is if i have a conda env available on my workers systemwide.. can i use that env directly when running tasks with trains-agent or trains-age...
4 years ago
given these are settled.. another question i have is about the job scheduling based on cron style.. e.g. run training every night at 2 AM etc.
4 years ago
colors of CM reporting are strange... is it possible to adjust the default ones
4 years ago
Hi, I faced with a silly error, when I run the python script with task = trains.init(project_name='my project', task_name='my task'). The task goes to the tr...
4 years ago
Hi, I encountered a few problems: Which files will be uploaded by trains according to the task's output_uri ? model, text or images? Is the judgment based on...
4 years ago
wondering why my plots are not in plot section but under debug section
4 years ago
when trains-agent is configured with system_site_packages: true why agent tries to create a new env and install packages ?
4 years ago